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If you are planning cremation services Whiteland, IN, and are worried that they may not be as personal or special as you would like them to be, be sure to consider giving them a theme. Many people choose to give a cremation a theme because it allows them to include things in the services that the deceased was passionate about and that mattered to them. If you are going to have a theme for a cremation service, be sure to keep some of these things in mind.
One of the biggest reasons so many people choose cremation services is that they know its an affordable way to give their loved one a final goodbye. If you are worried about the cost of a cremation and are thinking about having a theme, be sure to keep in mind that any extra things you add onto the services will cost extra money. Don’t get carried away and try to add too much detail to convey the theme. Think about the things that matter most to you and that mattered to your love done and only include those that will make the cremation service better.
While you can have a service at the crematory while the cremation is happening. If you are planning on having a memorial service and inviting a lot of people, you may want to find a different location for the service or consider having the theme at the reception instead. You can decide if you want to have the service the same day as the cremation or if you would rather have the body cremated and then have a memorial service with a theme another or another place that has more space or is better suited for your theme.
Many people want to make the cremation special by having a theme but don’t know what type of theme to choose. If you are struggling to come up with a theme for your loved one’s funeral, you may want to consider all of the things your loved one was passionate about and how you can use those things to make the service special. You can choose a theme based on a holiday, career field, favorite colors, animals, or even sports. You can even give the cremation more than one theme if you choose. As long as it was special and meant something to the deceased, it can be a good theme option for a cremation service.
If you are planning cremation services in Whiteland, IN, and want to give the service a theme, be sure to keep the above information in line when doing so. Having a theme is a good option, but you need to make sure you are prepared to put in the work and money needed to make it happen. If you need help with planning your cremation, be sure to reach out to Indiana Funeral Care. We are happy to help with all your funeral and cremation planning needs. Give us a call or stop by today to learn more.