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When you are planning cremation services in Greenwood, IN and need to make sure everyone who was a friend or family member of your deceased loved one attends the services. This might sound difficult but it’s really much simpler than people realize. You may not necessarily need to invite anyone as most will just find the info in the obituary. If you are afraid someone may have missed it or needs a personal invitation, you can send them an invite. Here are some of the people you may want to make sure are invited to the services.
It is important to include the friends of your deceased loved one in the funeral plans. Many of them may have lost touched with deceased over the years but will still want to know about their passing and make plans to attend their services. You can find friends online or even go back through old photos, yearbooks and other things to see who your loved one was close to and make sure they are invited to the services and know that their dear friend has passed away.
You might think that most family members will already know when a loved one has passed away, but you may still need to invite them to the cremation. If you did not include the arrangement details in the announcement or obituary, there may be a need to share that information when them later. If you don’t have contact information with your family members you may want to ask those you do talk to often to help contact them and make sure they know that your deceased loved one has passed away.
A group of people you don’t want to forget to invite to a cremation service are the deceased’s coworkers. Whether they were working with the deceased at the time of their passing or is someone they worked with at one point and no longer did, you may still want to invite them. A lot of people make good friends at work and if you think your deceased loved one had a friend at one fo tehri previous jobs, it might be a good idea to check to see if any of his or her former coworkers would be willing to come to the services, you can always reach out to them and share the cremation information with them.
When it comes time to plan cremation services in Greenwood, IN, you have some different options to think about and plan. One thing that you need to do is decide who you will be inviting to the services. While you may not think it's necessary to invite someone, it never hurts to mention it to them so they are aware that your loved one has passed away and have been notified of the services. If you need help making funeral or cremation plans for a loved one, be sure to reach out to Indiana Funeral Care. We are here to help.