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If you are planning a funeral for a deceased loved one you will want to work hard to find ways to make it personal and special. This helps show how much the deceased meant to you and will help you family feel closer to them at the service. If your loved one enjoyed art or had an artistic side, you might want to consider including art in the services at funeral homes in Whiteland, IN Here are some ways you can include art in a funeral service for someone who loved it.
One of the best things you can do is simply display the art at the funeral service. Whether it is something your loved one painted or drew or something that was made for them. You can use a copy of the art if you are worried that it could get damaged or lost at the service. You can also find different options that will allow you to shot off the art collection while also ensuring that the original work does not get damaged.
Sometimes it can be nice to include artwork made by other people. It can be soothing for them to put their feelings into art. This can be hung up at the funeral service so everyone who enters to pay their respects can see it. It can even be used instead of other types of decor. You can also make special art that the family can work on together and then display the artwork at the service to make it more personal.
You can also use artwork to decorate the cemetery or headstone where the deceased is buried. You can use an original piece of art and have it engraved on the headstone or you can simply choose artistic designs and image to add to the headstone. You can also talk about your loved one’s passion for art on their headstone. You can choose designs that are meant for artists and are something that will show off how much your deceased loved one enjoyed making art while they were alive. You can ask family members to help you choose a headstone design that appears artistic or meet their needs as well.
When you are making plans for funeral services at funeral homes in Whiteland, IN, you might be looking for a way to make those services for special or unique. Making a funeral more personal is a nice way to celebrate the life of a deceased loved one. You can keep the above tips and suggestions in mind to help with that. You can also come up with other ways to make the services special. If you need help making plans, be sure to reach out to Indiana Funeral Care. We are here to work with your family to make sure your loved one has a proper goodbye. Give us a call or stop by today to learn more about our services and how we can help you.