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When you have funeral services at funeral homes in Greenwood, IN for a deceased loved one, you can count on receiving a lot of flowers and plants. Many people send plants and flowers as a way to pay their respects and send their condolences. You will need to determine what you can do with the plants to display them so everyone who sent them and everyone who shows up at the services to pay their respects in person, can see them. Here are a few options to keep in mind or consider when you are making your plans for funeral services.
One of the best places to place the plants on display is near the casket where everyone can see it. When people attend a service, they tend to approach the casket as a way to say goodbye to the deceased one last time. If you want to make sure everyone can see the plants this is a good place to put them. You can also add them here to make the funeral service appear more natural and add some beauty to it. Plants are peaceful and can add some tranquility to the service to show that your loved one is resting peacefully.
If you are hoping to keep the area in front of the casket and around it clear so people can walk around there more easily and even gather if desired, you can always display them in the entryway of the funeral home instead. This will still make it possible for everyone to see the plants and flowers and it will give those who attend the services a feeling of tranquility. This can also give people a chance to slow down as they move through the service so everyone has a chance to pay their respects.
You don’t only have to use the plants and flowers in the services, you can also use them at the cemetery after your deceased loved one has passed away. Once the services are over, you can divide up the flowers among family members and then take the extras to the cemetery. You may be able to plant the flowers or you might just want to add them to a case or lay them on the burial mound. This allows you to make the most of them.
If you are planning funeral services at funeral homes in Greenwood, IN and you need to figure out how to make plans for the plants and flowers you receive, you may want to keep some of the above tips and suggestions in mind. This can help you make the best decision about how you will use the flowers. If you are ready to make your funeral plans and need some help, be sure to reach out to Indiana Funeral Care. We are happy to assist you with all your funeral planning needs. Give us a call or stop by to learn more about our services.