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When a loved one passes away, we search for the most fitting way to commemorate their life. We also wish to provide a means for those left behind to say farewell. Suppose you have difficulties having a funeral service or a celebration of life service set up for your deceased; contact cremation services Franklin, IN. That are reputable establishments that help in executing such services.
In its most basic definition, a Celebration of Life is a ceremony held to honor the memory of someone who is no longer alive. It is not customary for it to adhere to certain religious procedures or criteria, and the corpse of the dead is not normally present. There are no predetermined guidelines regarding when or where the event should take place or the items that should be included. Instead, what happens is specifically customized to the preferences of the departed, as well as their family and friends, who are there.
It is a rite of passage in which the remains of a loved one are interred in the earth beside their favorite or most prized possessions. The corpse may be sealed in a coffin before being buried under the earth's surface.

Both Funerals and Celebration of Life Services both serve three basic purposes:
While a funeral is more focused on the orderly and often spiritually-defined occasion, a celebration of life is more concerned with conveying the narrative of the person who has passed away (or is about to pass away). Celebrations of life are just that: a time when people get together to commemorate the deceased's distinct personality and accomplishments sans the more formal and conventional burial ceremony that is customary in most cultures.
In the context of memorial events, celebrations of life combine elements of formality and informality to create a hybrid event that is both formal and informal. The mix is entirely up to the discretion of those in charge of organizing the event.
Many people believe that the principal emphasis of funerals is typically religious and cultural rites and rituals that accentuate the sadness of the bereaved and that this is the fundamental distinction between a funeral ceremony and a celebration of life service. On the other hand, a celebration of life often focuses on the good aspects of a person's life and the pleasure they have had. A celebration of life also provides an opportunity for individual expression in the event's design.
You may reach out to cremation services Franklin, IN if you are uncertain and seeking a reliable business that can help you in concerns connected to funerals and celebrations of life services. They have years of expertise listening to families, brainstorming with them, and advising them on the most appropriate way to pay respect to a cherished family member.