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If you are planning to attend funeral services at funeral homes in Whiteland, IN and you would like to bring a gift with you that will show the family of the deceased that you are thinking of them and can help cheer them up, a memorial gift is a good idea. This is a gift that the family can look at and remember their loved one in a positive way. There are a lot of different types of memorial gifts but you can make your own and make them more special. Here are a few options you may want to consider.
Sometimes people have a hard time around the holidays because they miss their loved one. You can give them a memorial gift that they will appreciate. An ornament can be a good idea. You can order these online from many different shops and them personalize the ornament yourself or you can make it if you are feeling crafty and have the skills. The recipient can hang the ornament on a Christmas tree or wreath or they can find another place in their home to display it and enjoy it all year long.
Comfort is important for anyone who is dealing with a loss. You may not be able to do that in person for many different reasons but you can give them something that will be comforting to them. One good option is a blanket. You have a lot of options for blankets. You can make blankets that match their home décor and your crafting skills. You can choose to sew, knit, paint or use other techniques. You can make the blanket or order a blanket that is already made and decorate it however you want.
If you are looking for something simple and affordable that you can send to a family member or friend who has recently suffered a loss, you may want to consider personalizing a key chain. You can find blank key chains at many stores or you can even order them online. You can add, names and dates to them to make them in memory of the deceased. These are a nice gift because they are something anyone can use. They can choose to add them to their hand bag or even clip them on their pants or keys. When they look at the key chain, they will be reminded of their loved one and feel close to them.
When someone passes way it can be a tough for the family. While they may not get the full enjoyment of a memorial gift now, it’s something that they will cherish as times goes on. You may want to bring a gift to a family when you attend a funeral at funeral homes in Whiteland, IN. The above are a few that you can keep in mind and consider. You can reach out to Indiana Funeral Care if you need help making your plans for a successful funeral. Be sure to give us a call or stop by today to learn more about our services.